Joe Bataan

Download UniPro's Summit App!

UniPro's Annual Summit conference is just five days away. (If you haven't yet registered, do so NOW!) And with a conference whose theme encourages and enables delegates to RISE and actually act on the issues they see facing their community, we thought we'd better offer some actionable steps toward really engaging with our conference! Apart from providing inspiring speakers, panel discussions and group workshops, we are also thrilled to introduce the Summit app! Our app allows you to review the schedule, speakers and more right from your mobile device. The speaker guide offers bios, headshots and Twitter handles for each of our speakers on-hand. The schedule feature gives details on times and locations of each of our daily sessions. Another fun feature, sponsored by our friends at OMG Foodie, shows you some of the yummiest eats around our conference venue so you know just where to head when lunchtime rolls around.

Among other features, the app also makes buying your tickets for Summit super easy. So, download our app today and get your tickets TODAY. Here's how-- and we'll see you on June 1 for RISE: UniPro Summit 2013!